When marriages come to an end, one of the first reactions one of the spouses may have is to immediately move out of the home. One of the biggest problems with vacating the home, though, is that it may appear that you’ve abandoned your Murrieta family.

It’s generally never a good idea for you to voluntarily move out of your marital home. It’s better if you’re forced out by a California judge’s order as opposed to voluntarily leaving. If your goal is to get joint or sole custody of your children, then the last thing that you’ll want to do is appear to have abandoned them when they needed you the most.

It might make it easier for the court to issue temporary court orders preventing you from re-entering the home if you simply move out of the home voluntarily. It makes it too easy for a judge to sign off on this when your divorce is finalized.

The chance of you paying more in child support if you have less access to your children increases dramatically when you voluntarily move out of the family home.

Moving out of the home can be financially devastating for you even if you don’t have kids.

If you are the primary wage earner, then the court may order that you continue paying to keep your former spouse in the home that you once shared. This is often known as a “status quo order.”

Vacating the home on short notice may also leave you at a disadvantage in terms of gathering vital paperwork that can help you achieve a positive outcome of your California case. Those documents may go missing and be expensive to recover.

You must consider all of your options before making any drastic decisions when you’re facing an impending divorce. Moving out of the home that you and your spouse shared may be one of the biggest mistakes that you can make in your Murrieta case. An attorney can go into greater detail about why this isn’t a good idea and help you fight for the best possible resolution in your California case.