California parents who choose to get divorced will need to ensure that they are able to effectively raise their children together. Ideally, they will be able to communicate directly with each other instead of using their kids as messengers. Parents can choose to communicate with each other during face-to-face meetings or through electronic means such as text messages or email. Sending emails or texts may be ideal because it allows a person to document his or her effort to raise an issue or resolve a dispute amicably.
An individual should never say anything bad about the child’s other parent in that child’s presence. Staying positive can help a son or daughter to realize that disagreeing with someone doesn’t make that individual a bad person. This is a good rule to follow whether a parent is talking directly to the child or when he or she is in the same room.
Parents should keep up a unified front with their children even after they have ended their relationships with each other. Doing so can make it easier for a child to feel secure and understand the rules that he or she must follow. Generally speaking, children who have consistent rules and boundaries tend to be more emotionally stable and productive as adults.
Those who have questions about child custody and visitation issues after a divorce may want to talk with an attorney. An attorney may provide insight into how to resolve disputes without the need to go to court. An attorney might also provide advice for those who are struggling to communicate with their former spouse about issues related to their children. If necessary, an attorney may represent a parent during a child custody or child support court hearing.