If you are currently going through a divorce or separation and there are children involved, you may be worried about your custody rights. It’s important that you take early action to ensure that you will be able to have a good relationship with your child after the separation. If you do not, you may be in a compromised position when it comes to gaining custody.
There are many types of custody that you need to take into consideration. You should also gain a good understanding of how the courts assess child custody cases so that you can anticipate what decision they will likely unfold.
How do child custody courts make decisions?
Quite simply, the child custody courts always strive to make a decision that is in the best interests of the child(ren) in question. They will first want to ensure that they are safe from any type of harm. They will also want to ensure that they get all the love and support they need. If possible, they will want to child to have a relationship with both of their parents.
What are the most common types of child custody arrangements?
One type of custody is joint custody. This is put into place when the courts think that it’s in the best interests of the child to be brought up by both parents. This will mean that both parents will be able to make decisions about schooling and medical care in most cases. It also means that the child will split time between each parent’s home. They may stay at one parent’s house during the week, and with the other at the weekend, for example.
Another type of custody is sole custody. This occurs when one parent is awarded the sole legal and physical custodial rights over the child. This type of custody is usually only granted when the other parent is believed to be a risk to the child, if they do not want custody, or if they do not have a close relationship with the child. The non-custodial parent may still have visitation rights.
If you want to gain custody of your child after a separation, you must take early action to assert your rights.