Likely, your children have only experienced life with both of their parents living under the same roof. A divorce fundamentally changes everything a child knows about the family unit. They will likely be affected in some way or another regardless of their age.

If you are considering filing for a divorce but you’re worried about how the process will affect your children, you must understand the likely outcomes. Yes, your children will be affected by the divorce to some extent, but when you handle the situation successfully, they will be able to move on and remain happy and healthy. The following are some tips for preventing the negative impact of divorce on children.

Don’t fight in front of your children

Divorce will probably bring out the worst in both you and your divorcing spouse. It’s normal to feel anger or resentment toward your divorcing spouse, and these emotions are likely to amalgamate into fights from time to time. But it’s your responsibility to ensure that these fights do not take place in front of your children. Children of any age can be affected by seeing their parents having toxic arguments.

Give them enough one-to-one attention

Children need attention and love from their parents to develop and thrive. During a divorce, your attention might be elsewhere, and in the process of being stressed about the situation, you may inadvertently deprive your child of much-needed attention. Set aside time in your calendar for one-to-one “quality time” with all of your children, and make sure that they know they can talk about anything that concerns them.

Don’t jump into a new relationship that your children know about

If you do get into a new relationship within months after your separation, you should not involve your children straight away. This period is going to be a very turbulent time for your children, and no matter how in love you feel, it’s important to separate these emotions with the importance of doing what is best for your children.

If you are contemplating filing for a divorce but you’re concerned about how it might affect your children, make sure that you plan the divorce process thoroughly before executing your plan.