Many people don’t understand the importance of establishing paternity — at least not until questions arise regarding child custody, child support or fathers’ rights.

At Westover Law Group, our paternity lawyers can explain how you can establish paternity, the benefits of doing so, and more.

Schedule your free case evaluation. Call us in Murrieta at 951-894-8440 for high-quality representation for any complex child custody matter.

Paternity is established in a number of ways. In most cases, paternity is established if the parents are married to each other at the time the baby is born. If the parents are unmarried and an Acknowledgement of Paternity is signed, that can also establish the man as the father. Other forms of establishing paternity include a court order or an administrative order based on genetic testing.

Benefits Of Establishing Paternity

The benefits of establishing paternity depend on the situation. However, establishing paternity can benefit either the mother or the father in many ways.

For the father, establishing paternity gives him the opportunity to seek visitation or custody, form a bond with his child, and make important decisions regarding the child’s upbringing.

For the mother, establishing paternity allows her to seek child support, sharing of parental responsibilities with the father, information regarding the father’s medical history, and possible insurance coverage.

How Our Firm Can Help You

Andrew Lee Westover CFLS, Murietta, CA. Family Law Appeals AttorneyEstablishing paternity can be incredibly important for one or both parents. If you need help establishing paternity, our skilled family law attorneys can help. At Westover Law Group, our founding attorney, Andrew L. Westover, is a Certified Family Law Specialist, certified by the California Board of Legal Specialization. We are fully committed to helping our clients reach the resolution they need and deserve. We understand the importance of paternity and want to make sure our clients understand their rights and options.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

Learn more about your rights by calling us today at 951-894-8440. We answer calls 24/7, and we offer a free initial consultation. You can also complete our online contact form with a brief description of your situation.

Call today to schedule your consulation.

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