When it comes to handling social media during a divorce, the best approach is to avoid oversharing. Anything a California resident posts on social media can be used against them in a divorce. Even an amicable divorce can quickly become much less amicable if one spouse posts something inappropriate.

Many people feel the need to vent online, but social media is not the place to do it. Instead, those who want to complain about a spouse should talk to family, friends or a therapist. A spouse who is considering divorce may want to tighten privacy settings and check friends lists to see if there are any potential troublemakers who should be removed. No matter the situation, details of the divorce agreement should also not be shared online.

Some parents also feel strongly regarding how much information about their children they want on social media. If this is the case, parents can include guidelines about it in the divorce agreement.

Even after the divorce, it may be best for ex-spouses to aim for the high road. Some may remain connected on social media after a divorce, but even if they do not, they may share professional and social circles. It’s important to remember that social media posts can still be used to alter child custody or support arrangements.

Continuing to engage in conflict online after a divorce can be damaging to any children who are involved. Some parents might even post something serious enough that it could be grounds for revoking custody. In such cases, it may be necessary to arrange for the parent to have only supervised visitation. Legal counsel could help a concerned parent understand the process of altering a custody agreement.