Historically, when people discussed and researched parenting, in the context of a divorce, the focus was predominantly on mothers as the children’s primary caregiver, and the father as the primary earner. As a result, the impact of a father on a child’s life was often minimized, and the children’s relationships with their father were minimized.
Research has since shown that, aside from extenuating circumstances, children should receive equal care and love from both parents. Additionally, having a positive and active father figure plays a massive role in a child’s healthy development.
In this blog post, we’ll cover the effects of a father in a child’s life.
Direct and Indirect Effects of Fathers on Children’s Well-Being
Involved father figures can indirectly and directly affect children’s development. Here’s how:
- Indirectly: Fathers can influence a child’s life indirectly through his relationship with the child’s mother. Parents constantly fighting or being involved in conflicts can harm a child’s emotional wellbeing and result in psychological problems, especially if the dispute remains unresolved. On the other hand, consistent and supportive co-parenting relationships can help children develop fewer behavioral problems. Children’s future relationships are often modeled after the patterns they observed with their parents during childhood.
- Directly: Kind and nurturing father figures can help children develop with higher levels of social competence and, in turn, create better relationships and friendships. Additionally, fathers who provide their children with advice, learning materials, and communication tend to produce children who excel in school. Also, fathers don’t need to live with their children to instill these positive characteristics in them. In fact, children who stay in contact with their involved fathers tend to have a better sense of emotional maturity and security than those who don’t. Children in absent homes tend to develop risky behaviors, mental health issues, and other anxieties.
Family Structure
Having two involved parents in a child’s life can help children grow up in a structured environment where each parent offers different forms of love and care. For example, one parent’s strictness might be balanced by the other parent’s lenient tendencies.
Another reason children need to have both parents in their lives is because mothers and fathers can approach and answer a child’s question from different perspectives. Parents with varying approaches to parenting can expose children to unique problem-solving techniques and valuable life skills.
Additionally, children need to have their physical and emotional needs met. On top of that, it’s crucial for children to feel loved and accepted. If one of the parents has chosen to not be involved or isn’t capable of being in the child’s life, it’s essential to ensure your child has another caregiver who can serve those functions. In this case, the involved parent must support the caregiver.
Someone To Look Up To
Fathers can provide children with a positive male role model to look up to and inspire them to be like. Additionally, having a positive male role model can instill good behavior and personality traits in children. Consequently, children with a strong and supportive father figure tend to exude better self-control, have longer attention spans, and increase sociability. These children are usually more kind, generous, and have increased emotional intelligence. As a result, a father figure can provide children with a moral compass that they can use to navigate the world with better self-awareness and compassion for others.
If you’re about to or currently going through a divorce or custody struggle, and you need legal advice, contact Westover Law today.
At Westover Law, we provide passionate and determined legal advocacy for people coping with complex family law issues, including paternity issues, because we understand the crucial effects of a father’s role in child development. This doesn’t minimize the importance of the mother in the children’s life. It is important for the health and well-being of the children to have both parents providing unwavering support and good communication.